Well, I have been quiet for several months. Well, this Friday (March 28) is my thesis defense! I am pretty confident about my methods and results, however, my biggest fear is some committee member will decide I use other statistical tests or methods. I am hoping that been the first masters student to graduate on time will help them not get crazy about changes.
Also, this site has an uncertain future. I have been trying to decide what I want to do. I have had this site in one form or another for like 5 years. The main reason I even had the sites was just to play with the technology (databases, servers, software). However, I have since grow uninterested by the current happenings in these technologies (nothing is really happening).
As I look back on my posts, I am frankly embarrassed by most of them. There are very few I find worthy of reading, and I have never been a fan of posting for posting's sake. This is especially obvious to me as I read some of the great posts by others.
So this site currently is set to die on April 4. I haven't decided what I am going to do. C'est la vie.
Cape Spear, Newfoundland
2 days ago
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